Past Results


Businesses & community groups helping 59
Congregations helping 70
Non-perishable food and personal care items 23,038 pounds
    Portion from Youth Event 8,750 pounds
Craft items 130 boxes
    Portion from Youth Event 7 boxes
Leftover prescription medications 245 pounds
Medical supplies 2,789 pounds
Blood product donated at Day of Giving/Vitalant Site 14/7
Durable medical equipment 191 pieces
Used eyeglasses 895 pairs
Used hearing aids 84
Used cell phones 99
Hearing aid batteries 48 dozen
Volunteers/hours served to run event 74/374
Cash donations from the event $15,632
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses & community groups helping 53
Congregations helping 76
Non-perishable food and personal care items 26,030 pounds
     Portion from Youth Event 8,050 pounds
Craft items 82 boxes
    Portion from Youth Event 9 boxes
Leftover prescription medications 322 pounds
Medical supplies 782 pounds
Blood product donated at Day of Giving/Vitalant Site 30/39
Durable medical equipment 239 pieces
Used eyeglasses 995 pairs
Used hearing aids 99
Used cell phones 162
Hearing aid batteries 54 dozen
Cash donations $6,940
Volunteers/hours to run Day of Giving and Youth Event 65/348
In-kind donations Invaluable!

2020 Drive-Thru Event

Businesses and community groups helping 59
Congregations helping 70
Non-perishable food and personal care items 21,154 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 306 pounds
Medical supplies 280 pounds
Blood product donated at Day of Giving 22
Durable medical equipment 380 pieces
Used eyeglasses 986 pairs
Used hearing aids 31
Used cell phones 160
Hearing aid batteries 97 dozen
Cash donations $15,296
Volunteers/hours served to run event 48/267
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses helping 65
Community groups supporting 13
Congregations helping 77
Non-perishable food and personal care items 24,955 pounds
Portion from the Youth Event 8,470 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 316 pounds
Medical supplies 397 pounds
Bone marrow donors registered 7
Organ/tissue donor table visits 4
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving 21/24
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving drives 305/338
Durable medical equipment 291 pieces
Used Eyeglasses 625 pairs
Used hearing aids 44
Used cell phones 112
Individual donations $13,092
Business and community group donations $41,791
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses helping 57
Community groups supporting 12
Congregations helping 80
Non-perishable food and personal care items 23,334 pounds
Portion from Youth Event 7,190 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 316 pounds
Medical supplies 786 pounds
Bone marrow donors registered 8
Organ/tissue donors registered 10
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving 33/27
Blood donors/blood product donated at Vitalant Center 100
Durable medical equipment 283 pieces
Used eyeglasses 933 pairs
Used hearing aids 47
Used cell phones 106
Individual donations $16,280.85
Business and community group donations $45,106.39
Volunteers/hours to run Day of Giving and Youth Event 141/526
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses helping 65
Community groups supporting 13
Congregations helping 77
Non-perishable food and personal care items 24,955 pounds
Portion from the Youth Event 8,470 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 316 pounds
Medical supplies 397 pounds
Bone marrow donors registered 7
Organ/tissue donor table visits 4
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving 21/24
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving drives 305/338
Durable medical equipment 291 pieces
Used Eyeglasses 625 pairs
Used hearing aids 44
Used cell phones 112
Individual donations $13,092
Business and community group donations $41,791
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses helping 59
Community groups supporting 11
Congregations helping 77
Non-perishable food and personal care items 18,025 pounds
Portion from the Youth Event 3,500 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 342 pounds
Medical supplies 1,600 pounds
Bone marrow donors registered 12
Bone marrow donors registered at other drives 90
Organ/tissue donors registered 3
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving 32/39
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving drives 219/310
Durable medical equipment 185 pieces
Used Eyeglasses 853 pair
Used hearing aids 68
Used cell phones 177
Individual donations $10,618.91
Business and community group donations $39,454.15
In-kind donations Invaluable!



Businesses helping 67
Community groups supporting 13
Congregations helping 78
Non-perishable food and personal care items 25,543 pounds
Portion from the Youth Event 6,685 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 416 pounds
Medical supplies 900 pounds
Bone marrow donors registered 25
Bone marrow donors registered at other drives 35
Organ/tissue donors registered 35
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving 33/49
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving drives 228 products total
Durable medical equipment 143 pieces
Used Eyeglasses 585 pairs
Used hearing aids 82
Used cell phones 207
Individual donations $8,571
Business and community group donations $36,464
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses helping 57
Community groups supporting 14
Congregations helping 79
Non-perishable food and personal care items 22,120 pounds
Portion from the Youth Event 8,045 pounds
Craft items 1,890 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 308 pounds
Medical supplies 1,565 pounds
Bone marrow donors registered 25
Organ/tissue donors registered 3
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving 33/41
Blood donors/blood product donated at Day of Giving drives 86/96
Durable medical equipment 74 pieces
Used Eyeglasses 939 pairs
Used hearing aids 93
Used cell phones 158
Individual donations $6,130.41
Business and community group donations $29,952.67
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses helping 48
Community groups supporting 20
Congregations helping 81
Non-perishable food and personal care items 17,359 pounds
Portion from the youth kickoff 4,000 pounds
Craft items 1,975 pounds
Portion from the youth kickoff 175 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 340 pounds
Medical supplies 1,200 pounds
Bone marrow donors registered 25
Organ/tissue donor table visits 18
Durable medical equipment 138 pieces
Used eyeglasses 548 pairs
Used hearing aids 55
Used cell phones 171
Individual donations $7,725.54
Business and community group donations $24,036.78
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Congregations helping 76
Business Helping 54
Community groups supporting 14
Non-perishable food and personal care items 15,400 pounds
Craft items 1,250 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 363 pounds
Medical supplies 870 pounds
People coming to give blood 91*
Blood units collected 104*
Bone marrow donors registered 9
Organ/tissue donor table visits 34
Durable medical equipment 172 pieces
Used eyeglasses 666 pairs
Used hearing aids 9
Individual donations $5,489.35
Business and community group donations $26,025.85
In-kind donations Invaluable!
*These figures include blood donors who came to the Day of Giving event as well as those who donated at pre-event drives around Cheyenne and at United Blood Services between May 7 and May 16.


Congregations helping 76
Business Helping 46
Community groups supporting 12
Non-perishable food and personal care items 9,810 pounds
Craft items 2,470 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 416 pounds
Medical supplies 796 pounds
People coming to give blood 117*
Blood units collected 126*
Bone marrow donors registered 31
Organ/tissue donor table visits 50
New organ/tissue donor registrations 1 on site, 4-5 off site
Durable medical equipment 201 pieces
Used eyeglasses 865 pairs
Used hearing aids 37
Cash donations received at the event, on the Donation Line, and on the website $5,601.19**
Memorial donation $5,000.00**
Donations from businesses and community groups $9,350.00**
Volunteer help and in-kind donations Invaluable!

*These figure includes only blood donors who came to the Day of Giving event. Blood donors who donate at United Blood Services between May 7 and May 19 will be included in final statistics at a later date.

**Day of Giving is a 501 (c) (3), all-volunteer nonprofit. Beyond the small amount set aside to cover the few event needs not covered by the many in-kind donations from local businesses, this money will be used to purchase items needed by clients of local agencies but not donated by the public.


Congregations helping 69
Business Helping 46
Community groups supporting 11
Non-perishable food and personal care items 8,730 pounds
Leftover prescription medications & medical supplies 1,020 pounds
Medical supplies 440 pounds
People coming to give blood 134*
Blood units collected 129*
Bone marrow donors registered 47
Organ/tissue donor table visits 51
New organ/tissue donor registrations 4
Durable medical equipment 191 pieces
Used eyeglasses 916 pairs
Used hearing aids 39
Cash donations received at the event, on the Donation Line, and on the website $15,360.00
In-Kind donations Invaluable

*These figure includes blood donors who came to the Day of Giving event as well as those who gave at the United Blood Services building between May 9 and May 21 in the name of the Day of Giving and those who participated in the mobile blood drives at Frontier Refinery and WIN Health.

**Day of Giving is a 501(c) (3), all-volunteer nonprofit. Beyond the small amount set aside to cover the few event needs not covered by the many in-kind donations from local businesses, this money will go toward buying items needed by clients of local agencies but not donated by the public.


Congregations helping 66
Business Helping 26
Community groups supporting 09
Non-perishable food and personal care items 12,360 pounds
Leftover prescription medications 683 pounds
Medical supplies 440 pounds
People coming to give blood 94
Blood units collected 84
Bone marrow donors registered 49
Organ/tissue donor table visits 60+
New organ/tissue donor registrations 10
Durable medical equipment 210 pieces
Used eyeglasses 1,276 pairs
Used hearing aids 37
Cash donations $15,237.13


Congregations helping 63
Businesses helping 28
Community groups supporting 10
Non-perishable food and personal care items 12,000+ pounds
Leftover prescription medications and medical supplies 354.8 pounds
People coming to give blood 81
Blood units collected 58
Bone marrow donors registered 40
Organ/tissue donor table visits 80+
New organ/tissue donor registrations 05
Cash donations received $4,156


Congregations helping 61
Businesses helping 34
Community groups supporting 6
Non-perishable food and personal care items 12,500+ pounds
Leftover prescription medications and medical supplies 500 pounds
People coming to give blood 121
Blood units collected 89
Bone marrow donors registered 114
Organ/tissue donor table visits 100+
New organ/tissue donor registrations 20
Cash donations received $3,759


Congregations helping 32
Businesses helping 26
Community groups supporting 4
Non-perishable food and personal care items 9,000+ pounds
People coming to give blood 122
Blood units collected 62
Bone marrow donors registered 162
Organ/tissue donor table visits 100+
New organ/tissue donor registrations 7
Cash donations $821


Congregations helping 22
Businesses helping 13
Community groups helping 2
Non-perishable food and personal care items 1500 pounds (3 pick up loads)
People coming to give blood 90+
Blood units collected 74
Bone marrow donors registered 130


Contact Us


[email protected]


Cheyenne Day of Giving

Mailing Address

PO Box 192
Cheyenne, WY 82003