About Us

Who organizes the Cheyenne Day of Giving each year?

The Day of Giving Board is made up of representatives from the Cheyenne community. We share the responsibilities of recruiting supporting congregations and businesses, publicizing the event itself as well as the huge need for donations, organizing volunteers for the Day of Giving, and encouraging other ways to give throughout the year.

Beyond the Day of Giving Board, our volunteers are essential to the success of Day of Giving. We appreciate their efforts to help with fundraisers, use their networks to help us publicize our work throughout the year, and pass out posters and flyers before our event. Call Day of Giving at (307)274-1044 or email us at cheyennedayofgiving.org to find out more about volunteering!

Here is a list of current board members:

Jessica Bruce – President

Brady Koerwitz – Vice President

Chelsey Olson – Secretary

Kristal Wood – Treasurer

Jeanne Bellamy – At Large

Alice Hild Farris – At Large

Brooke Farris – At Large

Liz Hernandez – At Large

Brady Koerwitz – At Large

Greta Morrow – At Large

Patrick Flanary – At Large

Amy Mitchum – At Large

Samantha Schol – At Large

How did the Cheyenne Day of Giving get started?

All of us know, either firsthand or through what we have heard of others, that the world is filled with people who are very sick and need things like blood transfusions, expensive medicines, and bone marrow transplants. We also know about the huge number of people struggling to make ends meet and having difficulty feeding and caring for their families.

Another thing we all know is that if the opportunity is available, those who are able will come together to help those who are truly in need or are ill. That is the seed of the idea which began the Cheyenne Day of Giving.

Back in 2006, several volunteers met to come up with an event which could bring together the community, help others, and, for at least one day, bring down the barriers between congregations as well as between congregations, government entities, and businesses. We wanted everyone to come together to help others!

 How much has the Cheyenne Day of Giving been able to help others?

This annual event has been very exciting. As you can see from the data below, Cheyenne people have been very generous!


Businesses and Community groups helping 59
Congregations helping 69
Non-perishable food and personal care items 25,515 pounds
      Portion from the Youth Event 10,150 pounds
Craft items 72 boxes
      Portion from the Youth Event 6 boxes
Leftover prescription medications 256 pounds
Medical supplies 1,579 pounds
Blood product donated at Day of Giving 17
Durable medical equipment 139 pieces
Used eyeglasses 954 pairs
Used hearing aids 63
Used cell phones 79
Hearing aid batteries 49 dozen
Donations from individuals $13,072
Donations from businesses and community groups $42,908
In-kind donations Invaluable!


Businesses and Community groups helping 59
Congregations helping 70
Non-perishable food and personal care items 23,038 pounds
      Portion from Youth Event 8,750 pounds
Craft Items 130 boxes
      Portion from Youth Event 7 boxes
Leftover prescription medication 245 pounds
Medical Supplies 2,789 pounds
Blood product donated at Day of Giving/Vitalant Site 14/TBA
Durable medical equipment 191 pieces
Used eyeglasses 895 pairs
Used hearing aids 84
Used cell phones 99
Hearing aid batteries 48 dozen
Volunteers/hours served to run event 74/374
Cash donations received at event $15,632
In-kind donations Invaluable!

Click here to view earlier years’ results

* Community sponsors for the first year included the City of Cheyenne and F.E. Warren Air Force Base. In 2007, the school district and the hospital joined the effort. In 2008, we also had the help of St. Mary’s School and the Harriet Skoglund Memorial.

* Funds noted above are designated for helping the local charities we support (Boys & Girls Club, Comea House, Family Promise Cheyenne, Magic City Enterprises, Needs, St. Joseph’s Food Pantry, Salvation Army, Safehouse Services, Unaccompanied Students Initiative and Wyoming Coalition for the Homeless.)

We do not donate money to these agencies; rather, we ask for their wish lists and buy the things they need to help their clients in the Cheyenne area. In other words, the money goes directly to help people in need.


Here are some ideas:

  • Encourage donations by displaying a bin at your store or office and encouraging employees and those in neighboring businesses to donate.
  • Display a Day of Giving poster and the half-page handouts to help us acquaint area residents with the ways they can help others and with how Day of Giving works to help Cheyenne.
  • Give employees who want to come out to the event an extended lunch period, or vary lunch periods if several want to go. They can drive by and drop off donations, or they may want to come inside to give blood or register as bone marrow or organ/tissue donors.
  • Consider a cash donation to the Day of Giving. Because of generous in-kind donations, event expenses are about $1,800; the rest of the money we receive is available to buy those things needed by clients of local agencies but not donated by the public. We are a 501 (c) (3), all- volunteer organization, so we have no other overhead. That means your donation will have a big effect on our community!
  • Put the word out to your email or Facebook network! We need a network of people to encourage others to participate.
  • If you belong to a congregation in town, make sure it is on the list of supporting congregations. This is a big effort to include every part of the community and focus on helping others!
  • Decide where your talents would help Day of Giving. Call Day of Giving at 307-274-1044 with other ideas. We will be delighted to hear from you!

Does the Cheyenne Day of Giving have a statement of philosophy which serves as a guide in decision making?

Yes! The board has always felt the pull of working together to help those who are struggling, but after the 2nd Annual Cheyenne Day of Giving, we were advised to become a non-profit. In order to do that, we needed to come up with bylaws and a vision, mission, and values statement. We have this statement available at every meeting, and we make our decisions based on it.